We provide insightful, collaborative structural engineering design  solutions for the creation of safe, healthy, and inspiring structures.

our services

structural engineering design // structural construction document preparation // structural analysis // structural building information modeling // structural condition assessments // peer review // expert witness // constructability & feasibility studies  // structural steel shop drawing preparation // as-builting // 3D reality capture // scan-to-bim // digital twin hosting // consulting


residential single family // multi-family // mixed-use // commercial buildings // new construction // tenant finish // adaptive re-use // historic preservation // agricultural buildings // warehouse/industrial buildings //institutional // bridges // public art // structural repairs // wood structures // steel structures // concrete structures // post-tensioned structures // masonry structures // hybrid structures // unique building systems // green building systems // structural restoration

where are our projects?

we work on projects across continental US, while a substantial amount of our projects are centered in Boulder, Metro Denver, and all along Colorado's Front Range